
Posts Tagged ‘Molly’

Nicola: one Molly dies and another is born (2001)

In Kat, Molly, Molly Armitage, Nicola, Sue on April 17, 2006 at 4:04 pm

Nicola’s daughter was born the week Gran died.

Everyone said it was fate until Nicola told Auntie Sue about Molly’s condition, and no one said anything about Gran after that. ‘They probably want the name back,’ Nicola said to Jason.

Auntie Sue came back to the hospital before the week was out. She said you’ll love her much more often than you don’t. And then she said and I think Molly is a lovely name.

Kat rang in the middle of the night, but the midwife put the call through.

‘She’s got Down’s Syndrome,’ Nicola said.

‘I should be there,’ Kat said. Nicola cried for the normal girl who wasn’t born, but wasn’t worth a grandmother’s visit home.